GAIA GREEN Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock, consisting of fossilized remains of diatoms - silica rich, single-celled algae. This soil amendment encourages retention of water and nutrients, while draining freely and allowing high oxygen circulation within the growing medium.
Gaia Green Diatomaceous Earth is commonly used in/on soil as a pest killer. Lightly sprinkle dry Gaia Green Diatomaceous Earth on the soil's surface where bugs, fungus gnats, or other unwanted pests will come into direct contact with the dry particles. The particles cut the bugs and slowly dry them out.Â
Improves soil porosity and moisture retention.
Buffers soil pH and remineralizes the soil.
Helps condition the soil for improved plant performance.
To help improve soil structure and water holding capacity, apply 500 g per m2 of area (1 lb per 10 ft2), and mix thoroughly into the soil. Apply once per year.
Store in a cool, dry location, out of direct sunlight. Protect from frost and other climatic extremes. Seal packaging between uses.